english skies

"Generous deed should not be checked by cold counsel." (Tolkien's Return of the King)

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Location: United States

19 January 2007

That still center...at the heart of rest

" Here then, at home, by no more storms distrest,
folding laborious hands we sit, wings furled...
to that still center, where the spinning world
sleeps on its axis, at the heart of rest.
~Dorothy Sayers, Gaudy Night 1939

As Keats wrote, a thing of beauty is a joy forever.
And there, truth be told, je suis heureux.

Bells ring wild yet e'er serene there,
Thought dispels the dark and sloth
For within that tower'd heaven,
Minds weave Wisdom's ancient cloth.
(excerpt from Ode to Oxford, JMD)

11 January 2007

dappled things

"Glory be to God for dappled things"
These (dare I say it) immortal words by Gerard Manley Hopkins have taken on a new technological existence. Someone was kind enough to send me this link and it's been a breath of fresh cyber air: www.dappledthings.org It's a journal (on-line for now, hopefully soon to be launched on good old ink and paper) on anything and everything having to do with faith, culture, ideas... Most of the commentators are young Catholics with literary flair (by profession if not by other interest).
In another sense then, I think we can say Glory be to God for Dappled Things.

07 January 2007

The Authentic Pleasures

C.S. Lewis and the authentic pleasures... link here and happy reading: http://www.mappagoweb.com/nuovoicu.it/univ_07/cultura/xz06204eng%20The%20authentic%20pleasures.pdf
Photo © M. Datiles 2005-2010.